Who We Are

We are engineers and operators hellbent on bridging the divide between lab innovations and real-world impact. Our mission is to accelerate deliver of any RF capability from any platform, without the baggage of bespoke hardware. We won't ship science projects. We'll build at the scale of impact so our ecosystem partners can iterate at the speed of relevance. We'll work to promote our partners and develop real solutions together. We work for the greatest customers in the world. We know the stakes are high. We are all-in.

Keep it Ultralight

If you've dabbled in ultralight backpacking, alpinism or survival you're familiar with the concepts of carrying as little baggage as possible and making sure that what you do carry is extremely versatile. Trade gear (hardware) for knowledge (software) and you can cut the baggage while enabling capability from platforms not otherwise feasible. What we can't replace we will reinforce through cross-cueing, enhanced situational awareness and extended communications.
  • Converge & disaggregate capability to augment or upgrade legacy systems
  • Empower platforms of opportunity: go where others won't, do what others can't
  • Combine mature and COTS hardware base to accelerate and de-risk software
  • Don't boil the ocean, do make infinitely versatile pots and pans

One Team,
One Fight

We know what's core to our business, we're building the world's most versatile RF platform. Everything beyond that we want to support, empower and promote our ecosystem partners. They are the ones who can go deep on bleeding-edge capabilities and build platforms for myriad multid-domain RF challenges. When we work together, things go fast and get fun, and the customer reaps exponential benefits.
  • Own what's core & empower everything else. We all serve the customer
  • Discover and promote best of breed RF capabilities and host platforms
  • Capability developers should be able to focus on software
  • Platform integrators should be able to focus on their system

Customer Obsession

With backgrounds across operations, maintenance and engineering, we have lived many of the challenges our customers need to solve. The pain points we seek to address aren't spreadsheet items, they're personal stories where the stakes are often absolute. We aim to address as much of the problem space as possible by leveraging our ecosystem partners and never over-indexing on hardware.
  • Connect often, listen intently and learn every day (contact us!)
  • Design is not sacred, mission success is
  • Don't be afraid to say "no, but..." or "yes, if.."
  • Simplify user experience "if I can't use it, it doesn't work"

Build the Future With Us

We're a hybrid team taking a non-conensus approach to some of the biggest challenges in national security. We are looking for a few incredible people, drop us a line to start a conversation!

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